[ SourceForge.net | Project | izfree | What's New For Version 1.1 ]

What's New For Version 1.1

This is a beta release. I have tested the release on my own machine (Windows 2000 Professional SP2, Visual C++ SP6, IE 5.01), but not on any others. If you encounter problems with the software, please file a bug report on the izfreeProject page.

This version 1.1 release improves upon the previous 1.0 release as follows.

Future Work

These are some of the ideas for things I will be adding to izfree over time. If you have something specific you'd like automated, feel free to add a feature request on the izfree SourceForge.net project page.

  • interface improvements
  • optionally include dialog boxes for the New Package tool
  • wildcard selective directory scanning for the New Components tool
  • "MSI Shrink" tool to create very small installs for small files
  • Merge modules
  • Support an MSI build process
  • GUI dialog editor (a work in progress is included with 1.0)

    I've entered specifics about these ideas there in the Feature Requests tracker and the Tasks tracker. If you are interested in helping with the development of izfree, join SourceForge and email Rich, the project maintainer, and request to be added to the project.