These tutorials show how to achieve certain common tasks using izfree in conjunction with the Orca database editor from the SDK. While izfree significantly simplifies creating the basic installation, most installations will require some additions and editing using Orca.
These short tutorials will give you a step-by-step walk through that creates a Windows Installer database which installs a simple console application and its documentation text file.
This tutorial shows you how to use izfree to create a basic installation package from templates. The basic installation copies files to the target machine.
Tutorial 2: Removing Unnecessary Dialogs
This tutorial shows you how to remove dialogs, included in your install from the template, that aren't needed for your application.
This tutorial shows you how to add a shortcut to one of the installed files in the Start / Programs menu.
Tutorial 4: Adding Shell Verbs
This tutorial extends the context menu of the windows shell with new verbs that invoke an installed program.
These tutorials are of a more advanced nature, requiring knowledge of programming or the Windows Installer database tables.
Tutorial 5: Registering a COM Object
This tutorial shows how to populate the COM registration tables to register COM objects installed with your application.
Tutorial 6: Installing a Service
This tutorial describes how to populate the service related tables to install a Windows NT service application.